Monday, November 3, 2014

Stream Your Chromebook to Your Ape TV

IWe have been playing with the Chromecast for the last year with some mixed reviews. As one of our team members said..."Moving from the Apple TV to the Chromecadt is like moving from a Mercedes to a Pinto Wagon!" (Some of our younger readers may want to Google that). It is true though, the Apple TV is slick, while the Chromecast gets the job done. But we have great news for those schools and home that have Apple TVs and Chromebooks...AirParrot by Squirrels. For around $10.00 you can now beautifully stream your Chromebook to your Apple TV. They do offer educational and business pricing models. Check it our today and let us know what you think. They do offer a 7 day free trial.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Danger! Chromebook End Of Life is Near

If you haven't heard, the Google Chromebook actually has an end of life date. But if you read the EOL policy page closely (See link below), this date is not set in stone and could even be push back further for your device.  But once the EOL time period is over your Chromebook, it will still continue to work, but Google reserves the right to no longer provide updates. But once again, this it’s likely that many devices will continue to be supported, and the manufacturer has the option to increase this timescale further should they choose.

No the EOL policy may not be so great to schools and businesses that have or want to move to the Chromebook due to financial restrictions. But for those who are use to living in the Windows world , OS end of life is all part of the game. Our team has a couple of meetings with Goolge in the near future and will continue to find out more about the EOL policy and what impact that will have to the consumer.
To see the current end of life dates for your device, [Click Here]